Friday, April 1, 2011

Goals, Rewards, and a Positive Attitude.

Do you set goals?  Do you reward yourself?  If so, how do you reward yourself? 

To make a goal a reality you should begin by writing it down.  That's why I started posting all of my workouts on facebook.  I wanted to hold myself accountable.  If you don't write down your goals you may not reach them as quickly or at all.  Facebook was a great way for me to let all of my family and friends know that I was going to do this.  I was going to reach my goals! 

So you reached that first goal.  How do you reward yourself?  I have rewarded myself in a few different ways.  I bought a new workout program for myself.  This was a great reward!  It helped me to take my workout to the next level.  I purchased some new clothes.  This is a great reminder that you are doing it!  You are shrinking your body.  It's such a wonderful feeling to put a smaller top on and have it fit.  Or a new pair of jeans that are a size smaller and you can pull them up over your hips and button them. One other way that I have rewarded myself is I have bought new workout clothes.  This is another great reward because it's only going to motivate you further to workout.  I personally believe that if you feel good in your workout clothes you will workout even harder.  In the future I plan to reward myself with a pedicure and a massage.  You should NEVER reward yourself with food.  That is not a good thing to do.

Last but not least you should always have a positive attitude.  I know this can sometimes be difficult but it is incredibly important.  You are not going to lose weight over night.  You should never get down on yourself or give up.  Do your best to tell yourself that YOU CAN DO IT!  Because I believe that you really can do it.  There's nothing I dislike more than somebody who is a "Negative Nelly".  Nobody and I mean nobody wants to be around a person like that. 

So remember write down your goals, reward yourself, and keep a positive attitude. 

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