Thursday, April 21, 2011

Are You Worth It?

I've been changing the way I eat and exercising daily.  I have been LOVING it!  Granted there are days that I don't feel like it.  But for the most part I've been working out one hour or more at least 5 days a week.  I feel so much better about myself and I have a ton more energy which is really helpful when you have 2 girls under the age of 3. 

Recently I decided to invest in myself.  I purchased some Bowflex SelectTech weights.  Thanks to my friend Alicia I was able to get a great deal on them through the Internet.  Here are some pictures of me working out with them.
I absolutely LOVE my new weights!  They are so convenient and easy to use.  I'm lifting 20lbs in all of those pictures!  Who would've thought I'd be lifting 20lbs?  Oh and don't you just love my #1 Mom shirt?  I wish I could say that one of my daughters bought it for me but I bought it for myself.  Even if they don't think I'm the #1 Mom I think I am. hahaha!  Yes, I use my jazz boots for my workouts.  They don't ever leave the house so I feel comfortable working out with them on my carpet. :)

The other purchase I recently made is a bodybugg.  What is a bodybugg?  The bodybugg works with a program on your computer. After wearing it all day you hook it up to an USB cord and upload the data from the bodybugg to the program. The bodybugg itself has sensors on it that monitors your activity throughout the day. In addition to keeping track of calories burned you also input calories consumed. The idea is to have a calorie deficit in order to lose weight.  It is the neatest little contraption I've ever seen.  Yesterday was my first day wearing it.  It was pretty neat to see how many calories I burned.  Below is a picture of what the bodybugg looks like.

The question I asked myself when making these purchases is "Am I worth it?" Why, yes I am! By having all of these things I am also teaching my girls about health and fitness just by them watching me workout and eating healthy.  Hailey loves to watch my ChaLEAN Extreme dvds.  She is really good at doing squats.  Those are Hailey's favorite.  Evie always tries to do the workouts with me with the resistance bands that I have.

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