Saturday, March 24, 2012

Better Late Than Never

If you've ever struggled with your weight then you know how hard it is to keep it off.  For me it is a daily struggle.  Some days I win and some I lose.  Until recently I had been losing that struggle.  I had been slowly gaining back the weight I had worked so hard to lose.  I could sit here and give excuses about why I was gaining weight.  But what good would that do?  The fact is I have gained weight.  It's depressing and makes me mad thinking about how I let myself down.  That is in the past and there is nothing I can do to change that.  I can change what is happening now.  With my husband on board the "Lose Weight" Express it will be so much easier to do this.  I started really getting serious on Monday, March 19th.  So far I have already lost 2.5 lbs this week.  Not too shabby!  I have been working out with my new best friend Les Mills Pump.  It is a great new work out program from Beachbody.  It is so much fun.  I have also been experimenting with some new recipes.

 Tim and I have been trying to eat low carb healthy food.  I have found Pinterest to be very helpful in finding new and tasty recipes.  Here is a picture of a low carb cauliflower crust pizza that I made.  I used lowfat mozzerlla cheese, turkey pepperoni, and plenty of veggies.  YUM!  Tim was pleasantly surprised and so was I. 

This has nothing to do with weight loss and my writing professor would tell me I have an alligator in a fish pond but I wanted to throw a couple of pictures of my girls in here.  Plus it's my blog so I can do whatever I want!  My daughter Evie loves to go around the house and take pictures.  So here I am with my youngest daughter Hailey.  Even though we got Evie her own camera it's so much more fun to use mommy's real camera. 
I took this one of Evie and me.  I'm so happy she smiles for pictures now.  When she was a baby she use to have the most sober look when you took her picture. 

There you have it folks.  I will continue to eat well and exercise.  I'll keep you posted and thanks for reading.  It helps to keep me accountable!


  1. So proud of you Renee. I will continue to follow your blog and support you in your endeavor on weight loss. I know this is one of the hardest things to do and I am so proud of anyone that can accomplish this. Great job and keep up the good work!!

    1. Thank you for your support Paula. It means a lot! As long as someone is reading my blog I have someone to be accountable to. :)
